pp108 : Fields in the Document Store Tab

Fields in the Document Store Tab

This topic describes the fields on the document store configuration page.

The following fields are present in the Store Details section of the Properties - Repository window.

Field Description
Store Name Type a name for the repository configuration.
Store Type

Type of server. You may select from the following:

    • Process Platform Repository
    • OpenText Content Server(OTCS)
    • OpenText Archive Center
    • Jackrabbit
    • CMIS
    • Others. (Use this option if you want to use any other repository for managing documents)

Note: Repository and Jackrabbit can be used only for supporting basic Document Store capabilities and OTCS can be used for advanced Document Store capabilities. In this release , Archive Center and CMIS options supports basic CRUD operations only.If you want to use any other repository for managing documents select the Others option.

Process Platform Repository

The following fields are displayed in the Repository Configuration Details section when the Repository option is selected:

Field Description
Database configuration Select the database configuration in this field. For more information on configuring databases, refer to Managing Database Configuration. The Cordys System option contains the database configuration information that was provided while installing Process Platform.
Repository Root

The root folder of the document within the repository. This is optional.

For example, if the repository contains different folders to store finance and inventory documents. The root folder for financial documents is /finance and for inventory it is /inventory.


OpenText Content Server (OTCS)

 The following fields are displayed in the Repository Configuration Details area when the OTCS option is selected: 

Field Name

OpenText Cordys Resource

OTDS resource created for Cordys using Managing OTDS Resources

OpenText Content Server Resource

OTDS resource created for Content server using Managing OTDS Resources

End Point URL

The HTTP URL which serves as a base URL to connect to all the Web service operations of OTCS.

For example: http://<machinename>:<portnumber>/les-services/services/DocumentManagement

Repository Root

The repository root folder which will serve as the base folder within a given workspace. This is optional. If no document root is provided, the workspace is treated as the root

 OpenText Archive Center

 The following fields are displayed in the Repository Configuration Details area when the OpenText Archive Center option is selected: 

Field Name Description

OpenText Cordys Resource

OTDS resource created for Cordys using Managing OTDS Resources

OpenText Archive Center Resource

OTDS resource created for Archive Center using Managing OTDS Resources

Binding Type

Select the CMIS binding that needs to be used. Based on CMIS binding , the endpoint url will change.


In order to use 'Webservice' binding, configure document store with apache-cxf. Refer Configuring document store connector with apache cxf library for details

End Point URL

The HTTP URL based on selected CMIS binding, which serves as a base URL to connect to Archive Cemnter.

Example urls for various bindings

AtomPub : http://<<archive center server>>:<portnumber>/as_cmis/atom

WebService : http://<<archive center server>>:<portnumber>/as_cmis/services/cmis?wsdl

Browser : http://<<archive center server>>:<portnumber>/as_cmis/browser

Repository Id The unique id of the repository which needs to be connected. In Archive Server, this usually corresponds to archive name of the collection

Repository Root

The repository root folder which will serve as the base folder within a repository. This is optional. If no document root is provided, the default root is treated as the root


The following fields are displayed in the Repository Configuration Details area when the Jackrabbit option is selected:

Field Description
Repository URL The URL of the repository.
User Name The user name to access the server where the document is stored.
Password The password to access the server where the document is stored.
Repository Root

The root folder of the document within the repository.This is optional.

  For example, if the repository contains different folders to store finance and inventory documents. The root folder for financial documents is /finance and for inventory it is /inventory.


 The following fields are displayed in the Repository Configuration Details area when the CMIS option is selected: 

Field Name


User Name

The user name to access the server where the document is stored


The password to access the server where the document is stored

Binding Type

Select the CMIS binding that needs to be used. Based on CMIS binding , the endpoint url will change.


In order to use 'Webservice' binding, configure document store with apache-cxf. Refer Configuring document store connector with apache cxf library for details

Repository URL The HTTP URL based on selected CMIS binding, which serves as a base URL to connect to the content repository.
Repository Id The unique id of the repository which needs to be connected

Repository Root

The repository root folder of the document. This is optional


Process Platform provides you with IDocumentStore interface. This interface must be implemented when you want to use any other repository other than listed above.

An example for implementing the IDocumentStore interface is as follows:

public abstract class JSRDocumentStoreClient implements IDocumentStore 
public boolean initializeStore(StoreConfiguration configuration) throws DocumentStoreException {} //more methods need to be defined 
public class XDSDocumentStore implements IDocumentStore { //more methods need to be defined }
Field Description
Implementation Class The name of the class that implements the IDocumentStore interface. For more information on IDocumentStore class, refer to the Document Store package in Java documentation. In the above example, the Implementation Class is the JSRDocumentStoreClient class.
Classpath The classpath of the class that is implementing the IDocumentStore interface. In the above example, the Classpath is the class path of the JSRDocumentStoreClient class.
External Configuration XML Any additional information that is required to access the repository must be pasted in this field in the XML format. These details are passed to the implementation class. The contents of this field are passed to the StoreConfiguration object as displayed in the code above. The StoreConfiguration object is in turn passed to the initialize method of the implementation class. For more information, refer to the Document Store package in Java documentation.
Repository Root The root folder of the document within the repository. For example, if the repository contains different folders to store finance and inventory documents. The root folder for financial documents is /finance and for inventory it is /inventory.

Related tasks

Modifying Document Repository